

Aġġornati l-aħħar: 16 / 06 / 2023

X’inhi l-proċedura ta’ applikazzjoni li għandha tiġi segwita?

  • In-notifika ta’ twelid tista’ ssir mill-ġenitur/i billi jżur/u l-uffiċċji tar-Reġistru Pubbliku fl-Isptar Mater Dei, l-Imsida, jew f’Binja Onda, Triq Aldo Moro, il-Marsa fil-każ ta’ twelid f’Malta u r-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Għawdex, 132 Livell 2, Triq George Borg Olivier, Victoria, jekk it-twelid seħħ f’Għawdex. In-notifika tista’ ssir ukoll bil-posta billi tintbagħat email fuq publicregistry.identita@gov.mt għal Malta u localnotificationsgozo.pubreg@gov.mt għal Għawdex jew online billi wieħed iżur is-sit elettroniku ta’ Identità https://www.identita.gov.mt. Il-ġenitur/i ta’ wild imwieled/imwielda f’Malta huwa/huma obbligat/i li jinnotifika/tinnofika/jinnotifikaw it-twelid fi żmien ħmistax-il (15) jum mit-twelid.

  • Id-dokumentazzjoni meħtieġa hija d-“Dikjarazzjoni ta’ Notifika ta’ Formola tat-Twelid”. Din il-formola tista’ tinkiseb mir-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Malta, fil-Marsa, fl-Isptar Mater Dei, l-Imsida, u mir-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Għawdex, Victoria. Dokumentazzjoni ulterjuri meħtieġa biex titlesta notifika tat-twelid tinkludi n-“Notifika tat-Twelid” oriġinali maħruġa mill-isptar fejn ikun seħħ it-twelid u d-dokumenti ta’ identifikazzjoni tal-ġenitur/i. Tista’ tkun meħtieġa dokumentazzjoni oħra, skont l-istat ċivili tal-ġenitur/i. Ħlas ta’ €2.60 huwa impost għal kull twelid irreġistrat.

  • F’każijiet fejn il-ġenitur/i jiddeċiedi/u li jużaw ir-Reġistru Pubbliku fil-Marsa jew fl-Isptar Mater Dei, l-Imsida, jew ir-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Għawdex, Victoria, l-uffiċjali tan-notifika tat-twelid se jiggwidaw lill-ġenitur/i matul il-proċess. Ladarba dan jitlesta, il-ġenitur/i huwa/huma meħtieġa jiffirma/jiffirmaw l-Att tat-Twelid biex jikkonfermaw li jaqblu mal-informazzjoni mdaħħal fl-Att.

  • Dawk il-ġenituri li jiddeċiedu li jużaw in-Notifika tat-Twelid tar-Reġistru Pubbliku online jew is-servizz postali jeħtieġ li jissottomettu d-Dikjarazzjoni ta’ Notifika tal-Formola tat-Twelid (mimlija online) u jtellgħu n-Notifika tat-Twelid maħruġa mill-isptar fejn seħħ it-twelid u d-dokumenti ta’ identifikazzjoni tagħhom. Dawn jiġu pproċessati mir-Reġistru Pubbliku li jipproduċi Att tat-Twelid li jintbagħat bil-posta għall-konferma u l-firma tagħhom.

  • Hemm każijiet eċċezzjonali fejn il-proċess ta’ notifika tat-twelid ma jistax isir online. F’dan il-każ, il-ġenituri jridu jżuru r-Reġistru Pubbliku fil-Marsa, l-Isptar Mater Dei, l-Imsida, jew ir-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Għawdex, Victoria jekk it-twelid seħħ f’Għawdex, biex issir in-Notifika tat-Twelid.

  • Ladarba l-Att tat-Twelid jiġi rreġistrat, il-ġenitur/i jiġi/jiġu infurmat/i permezz ta’ SMS jew email. Sussegwentament, iċ-Ċertifikat tat-Twelid jista’ jiġi ordnat mis-sit elettroniku tar-Reġistru Pubbliku www.certifikati.identita.gov.mt.

  • F’każijiet ta’ twelid ta’ ċittadin Malti barra mill-pajjiż, ir-reġistrazzjoni tista’ ssir ukoll permezz ta’ waħda mill-Missjonijiet ta’ Malta. L-applikant għandu jippreżenta lill-Missjoni ċertifikat tat-twelid maħruġ mill-awtorità kompetenti. Barra minn hekk, l-applikanti jistgħu jżuru wkoll l-uffiċċji tar-Reġistru Pubbliku fil-Marsa, jew fir-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Għawdex f’Victoria biex jissottomettu reġistrazzjoni personalment.

Dettalji tà kuntatt

L-awtorità kompetenti responsabbli għall-proċedura hija:

Kif nista’ nipprova l-identità tiegħi?

  • Il-mezzi aċċettati ta’ notifika huma s-sottomissjoni ta’ dokumenti ta’ identifikazzjoni xierqa u l-firma tan-notifikanti fuq l-Att tat-Twelid. Il-firma tinġabar elettronikament meta l-ġenitur/i jinnotifika/jinnotifikaw it-twelid personalment fir-Reġistru Pubbliku, Binja Onda, Triq Aldo Moro, fil-Marsa, fl-Isptar Mater Dei, fl-Imsida jew fir-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Għawdex, 132 Livell 2, Triq George Borg Olivier, Victoria jew permezz ta’ firma meta n-notifika ssir online. Dokumenti oħra, skont l-istat ċivili tal-ġenitur/i jistgħu jkunu meħtieġa li jimtlew man-Notifika tat-Twelid.

  • F’każijiet ta’ twelid ta’ ċittadin Malti li jseħħ barra mill-pajjiż, ir-reġistrazzjoni tat-twelid tiġi sottomessa permezz ta’ waħda mill-Missjonijiet/Ambaxxati ta’ Malta, jew direttament lir-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Malta, Binja Onda, Triq Aldo Moro, il-Marsa, jew Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Għawdex, 132 Livell 2, Triq George Borg Olivier, Victoria. Fiż-żewġ każijiet hija meħtieġa ittra li tikkonferma ċ-Ċittadinanza Maltija maħruġa minn Komunità Malta.

X’għandi bżonn nipprovdi?

  • Il-ġenitur/i li jissottometti/jissottomettu notifika tat-twelid għandu/għandhom jimla/jimlew u jiffirma/jiffirmaw id-“Dikjarazzjoni għan-Notifika ta’ Twelid”, li tinħareġ mill-isptar fejn ikun seħħ it-twelid, u d-dokumenti ta’ identifikazzjoni rilevanti tal-ġenituri.

  • F’każijiet ta’ twelid ta’ ċittadin Malti barra mill-pajjiż, huwa meħtieġ ċertifikat tat-twelid maħruġ minn awtorità kompetenti barranija kif ukoll il-konferma ta’ Ċittadinanza Maltija.

X’nista’ nagħmel f’każ li jkun hemm tilwima?

  • Fejn għal xi raġuni, id-Direttur tar-Reġistru Pubbliku jirrifjuta li jirreġistra kwalunkwe Att, jew meta persuna tiddikjara li hemm indikazzjoni żbaljata ta’ xi parti partikolari fl-Att tat-Twelid wara r-reġistrazzjoni tiegħu, tista’ ssir talba quddiem il-qorti kompetenti skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Kodiċi Ċivili (Kapitolu 16 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta), sabiex dik il-qorti tordna r-reġistrazzjoni tal-Att jew tordna l-korrezzjoni tal-partikolari in kwistjoni.• Fejn għal xi raġuni, id-Direttur tar-Reġistru Pubbliku jirrifjuta li jirreġistra kwalunkwe Att, jew meta persuna tiddikjara li hemm indikazzjoni żbaljata ta’ xi parti partikolari fl-Att tat-Twelid wara r-reġistrazzjoni tiegħu, tista’ ssir talba quddiem il-qorti kompetenti skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Kodiċi Ċivili (Kapitolu 16 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta), sabiex dik il-qorti tordna r-reġistrazzjoni tal-Att jew tordna l-korrezzjoni tal-partikolari in kwistjoni.

Hemm xi tariffi għal dan il-proċess?

  • Ħlas ta’ €2.60 huwa dovut għal kull reġistrazzjoni ta’ Att tat-Twelid. Dan jista’ jsir online jekk jintgħażel dan il-metodu.

Kemm idum il-proċess u x’inhuma l-iskadenzi applikabbli?

  • Skont Artikolu 272 tal-Kodiċi Ċivili (Kapitolu 16 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta), il-ġenitur/i huma obbligati meta t-twelid iseħħ f’Malta, jinnotifikaw it-twelid tat-tarbija fir-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Malta u meta t-twelid iseħħ f’Għawdex, fir-Reġistru Pubbliku ta’ Għawdex, fi żmien ħmistax (15)-il jum mit-twelid. Fin-nuqqas tat-tnejn, għandu jkun it-tabib, kirurgu, qabla, jew persuna oħra li tkun preżenti fil-mument tat-twelid, li tagħmel in-notifika tat-twelid.

X’nista’ nagħmel jekk it-twelid jibqa’ mhux irreġistrat?

  • Fejn għal xi raġuni, id-Direttur tar-Reġistru Pubbliku jirrifjuta li jirreġistra kwalunkwe Att, jew meta persuna tiddikjara li hemm indikazzjoni żbaljata ta’ xi ħaġa partikolari fl-Att tat-Twelid wara li tkun saret ir-reġistrazzjoni, tkun trid tiġi ppreżentata applikazzjoni quddiem il-qorti kompetenti skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Kodiċi Ċivili (Kapitolu 16 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta), fejn tintalab lil dik il-qorti sabiex tordna r-reġistrazzjoni tal-Att jew tordna l-korrezzjoni tal-parti partikolari inkwistjoni.

Il-proċess jista’ jitwettaq b’liema lingwi?

  • Il-proċedura tista’ ssir kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż. L-oqsma kollha tad-dokumentazzjoni, inklużi l-“Att tat-Twelid” u ċ-“Ċertifikat tat-Twelid” huma stampati kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż.

X’għandi nagħmel jekk ma nisma’ xejn mir-Reġistru Pubbliku?

  • Ir-Reġistru Pubbliku jipprovdi informazzjoni dwar il-progress tan-notifika u r-reġistrazzjoni tal-Att u d-disponibbiltà taċ-“Ċertifikat tat-Twelid” tat-tarbija meta dan jintalab mill-ġenitur/i.

  • Barra minn hekk, is-sit elettroniku www.certifikati.identita.gov.mt, minn fejn jistgħu jiġu ordnati ċ-Ċertifikati tat-Twelid, jipprovdi feedback bl-email lill-ġenitur/i li jordna/w ċertifikat f’każ li ċ-Ċertifikat tat-Twelid ikun għadu mhux disponibbli.

Liġijiet u regolamenti relevanti

  • Il-Kodiċi Ċivili, (Kapitolu 16 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta).



Last updated: 16 / 06 / 2023

What is the application procedure to be followed?

  • The birth notification can be made by the parent/s by visiting the Public Registry in Mater Dei Hospital, Msida, or in Onda Building, Aldo Moro Road, Marsa in the case of a birth in Malta and the Gozo Public Registry, 132 Level 2, George Borg Olivier Street, Victoria, if the birth occurred in Gozo. The notification can also be made either by post by sending an email to publicregistry.identita@gov.mt for Malta and localnotificationsgozo.pubreg@gov.mt for Gozo, or online by visiting the Identità website https://www.identita.gov.mt. The parent/s of a child born in Malta is/are obliged to notify the birth within fifteen (15) days of birth.

  • The documentation required is the ‘Declaration of Notification of Birth Form’. This Form can be obtained in hardcopy from the Public Registry in Marsa, at Mater Dei Hospital, Msida, and at the Gozo Public Registry, Victoria. Further documentation required to complete a notification of birth includes the original ‘Notification of Birth of a Baby’ issued by the hospital where the birth occurred and the parent/s identification documents. Other documentation, depending upon the civil status of the parent/s may be required. A payment of €2.60 is levied for every birth registered.

  • In cases where the parent/s decide to use the Public Registry offices in Marsa or Mater Dei Hospital, Msida, or the Gozo Public Registry, Victoria, the birth notification officers will guide the parent/s through the process. Once this is complete, the parent/s is/are required to sign the child’s Birth Act to confirm that they agree with the information on the Act.

  • Those parents who decide to use the Public Registry Birth Notification online portal need to fill in and submit the Declaration of Notification of Birth Form (the Declaration of Notification of Birth form online) and upload the Notification of Birth of a Baby issued by the hospital where the birth occurred and their identification documents. Parents who opt for the postal service, need to fill in and submit by post the Declaration of Notification of Birth Form, together with a copy of their identification documents. These will be processed by the Public Registry, producing an Act of Birth that is sent by post to the parent/s for confirmation and signature.

  • There are exceptional cases where the birth notification process cannot be done online. In this case, the parent/s need/s to visit the Public Registry offices in Marsa, Mater Dei Hospital, Msida, or the Gozo Public Registry, in Victoria, if the birth took place in Gozo, to complete the Birth Notification.

  • Once the Act of Birth is registered the parent/s is/are informed by SMS or email. The Birth Certificate can then be ordered from the Public Registry website www.certifikati.identita.gov.mt.

  • In cases of a Maltese citizen’s overseas birth, the registration can also be made through one of Malta’s Missions. The applicant must submit to the Mission a birth certificate issued by the competent authority. Furthermore, applicants can also visit the Public Registry in Marsa to personally submit a registration.

Contact information

The competent authority responsible for the procedure is the:

How do I prove my identity?

  • The accepted means of notification are the submission of appropriate identification documents and signature of the notifying parent/s on the Act of Birth. The signature is collected electronically when the parent/s notifies/notify the birth in person at the Public Registry offices in Onda Building, Aldo Moro Road, Marsa, Mater Dei Hospital, Msida or Gozo Public Registry, 132 Level 2, George Borg Olivier Street, Victoria, or by a wet signature when the notification is completed online. Other documents, depending upon the civil status of the parent/s may be required to complete the Notification of Birth.

  • In cases of a Maltese citizen’s overseas birth, the registration can also be made through one of Malta’s Missions or directly with the Malta Public Registry Offices in Onda Building, Aldo Moro Road, Marsa or the Gozo Public Registry, 132 Level 2, George Borg Olivier Street, Victoria. In both cases, a letter confirming Maltese Citizenship issued by Komunità Malta Agency is required.

What do I need to provide?

  • The parent/s submitting a notification of birth must fill in and sign the ‘Declaration for Notification of Birth Form’, submit the ‘Notification of Birth of a Baby’ issued by the hospital where the birth occurred, and the parents’ relevant identification documents.

  • In cases of an overseas birth of a Maltese citizen, a birth certificate issued by a competent foreign authority is required together with confirmation of Maltese Citizenship.

What can I do in case there is a dispute?

  • Where for some reason, the Director of the Public Registry refuses to register any Act, or where a person claims that there is an erroneous indication of any particular in the Act of Birth following the registration thereof, an application may be filed before the competent court in terms of the provisions of the Civil Code (Chapter 16 of the Laws of Malta), requesting that court to either order the registration of the Act or to order the correction of the particular in question.

Are there any fees for this process?

  • A payment of €2.60 is required for every registration of an Act of Birth. This can be made online if the notifying parent/s choose this method.

How long does the process take and what are the applicable deadlines?

  • According to Article 272 of the Civil Code (Chapter 16 of the Laws of Malta), the parent/s is/are obliged when the birth takes place in Malta, to notify the birth of the child at the Malta Public Registry and when the birth takes place in Gozo to notify the birth of the child at the Gozo Public Registry within fifteen (15) days of the birth. In default of both, it shall be the duty of the physician, surgeon, midwife, or any birth attendant to notify the birth of the child.

What can I do if the birth remains unregistered?

  • In cases where for some reason, the Director refuses to register any Act, the user may apply terms of Article 253 of the Civil Code (Chapter 16 of the Laws of Malta), requesting the competent court to order the registration of the same.

The process can be performed in which languages?

  • The procedure can be carried out in Maltese and English. All documentation fields, including the ‘Act of Birth’ and ‘Birth Certificate’ are printed in Maltese and English.

What should I do if I have not heard from the Public Registry?

  • The Public Registry supplies information regarding the progress of notification and registration of the Act and availability of the ‘Birth Certificate’ of the child when this is requested by the parent/s.

  • Furthermore, the www.certifikati.identita.gov.mt website, from where Birth Certificates can be ordered, provides email feedback to the parent/s ordering in case the Birth Certificate is not yet available.

Relevant laws and regulations

  • Civil Code, (Chapter 16 of the Laws of Malta).